[Wikivoyage-l] Commons Android app update - v2.4.2
Josephine Lim
2017-06-09 15:21:48 UTC
Hi all,

We're excited to announce that we've rolled out several new features and
bug fixes for the Commons Android app[1] over the past few months. Some of
the major ones include:

- A map of nearby places that need pictures (in addition to the existing
list). Selecting a nearby place allows users to see the associated Wikidata
item, get directions to the place, or view the associated Wikipedia article
- A new and improved UI, including a light and dark theme, a navigation
drawer, and a logout option
- Fixed memory issues preventing users with older phones from accessing the
- Licenses now include CC-BY 4.0 and CC-BY-SA 4.0, and licenses can be
selected individually when uploading a picture
- The total number of pictures that have been uploaded from an account are
now shown, and the image details pane now displays the upload date and
image coordinates

Thank you for your support and encouragement though all this time!
Feedback, bug reports, and suggestions are always welcome on our GitHub
page[2]. :)

[1]: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.free.nrw.commons
[2]: https://github.com/commons-app/apps-android-commons/issues/